‘Why I Campaign’ #2 – Steve Barksby.
“My Name’s Stevie B and I am a supporter of Dignity in Dying.
I’ve been HIV positive for nearly 25 years and I got involved with Dignity in Dying about 10 years ago.
I saw some of my friends who were also HIV positive who died in hospital with an agonising death, their end was not pleasant. Of course medicine has improved, palliative care has improved and we’ve also found that where there is a law enacted it actually generates more support for palliative care and that is also quite a good thing because it is another option.
Since a member of Dignity in Dying I’ve started speaking on the subject and do talks with interested persons such as nurses, doctors, and also school children. I’m a firm believer that there is a need for a change in the law.
It’s an assisted death for your benefit but at your choice, time, and place.”
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