Religious Alliance for Dignity in Dying
Together we can change the narrative on religion and assisted dying
We exist to change the perception that religious people are universally against assisted dying. Far from it.

We must puncture the myth that religious people oppose assisted dying. Anti-choice religious leaders and groups don’t speak for the majority, we must work together to make the compassionate case for assisted dying.
Rabbi Dr Jonathan Romain
Chair, Religious Alliance for Dignity in Dying
Through experience and frank discussions about assisted dying… I began to see that while medicine can do remarkable things for most dying people, there is an unfortunate minority who are forced to suffer unimaginable pain and misery.
Lord George Carey
Former Archbishop of Canterbury
Don’t tell me that the time of someone’s death is purely God’s business. That at the moment when all a human soul wants is for it to end, God stands at the end of the bed and says: ‘No my child, it is my will that you suffer just a few more days.
Reverend Canon Rosie Harper