Why I Campaign #4 – Sophie Bowley-Aicken.
While I’ve always agreed that the current laws on assisted dying should be changed, it was the death of my father, William, which prompted me to become an active member of Dignity in Dying. Diagnosed with lung cancer, he had made it clear to me that he did not want to die a painful, undignified death. Regrettably that was exactly what happened – a fact which continues to sadden and anger me.
While I was trying to come to terms with the circumstances of his death, I found the Dignity in Dying website and became a member. It’s great to be part of something I feel so strongly about, and I try to aid the campaign wherever I can. I’m active on their Facebook page and share links and updates with my friends, both there and on Twitter. I’ve encouraged my friends and family to talk openly about their end of life wishes and directed them to Compassion in Dying, where they can obtain an advanced decision. I was recently featured in Love It! magazine, where I told my father’s story and laid out my reasons for supporting assisted dying. Following the article, I was contacted by people who wanted to share their stories and support with me, which was an honour and a truly moving experience.
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