End of Life Care Strategy annual report.
The End of Life Care Strategy was launched in 2008 as a means to prompt much needed change in the improvement of end-of-life care in England. The third annual report of the Strategy was published this week and details activity over the last year.
Points of interest include:
- A rise in funding associated with the Strategy (however the amount of this money actually spent by different PCTs differed across England – a similar story to last year)
- An emphasis on the importance of supporting people to die in their ‘usual place of care’ (which could mean a care home or your own home)
- GPs being encouraged by a Find your 1% campaign to find their patients who are likely to die over the course of a year so they can plan for their care and record patient’s end-of-life care preferences
- The Department of Health is providing additional resources during 2011/12 for GP training to increase awareness and understanding of carers’ need for support at different times and additional money to allow carers to take a break from their caring responsibilities
Compassion in Dying provide Advance Decisions free of charge and run an end-of-life rights information line (0800 999 2434).