My legacy

I think the work that Dignity in Dying does is amazing, to move towards a change in the law, so anything I can do to help continue that and to continue raising awareness is very important to me.
Unfortunately, I’ve seen people suffering towards the end of life, and I don’t think anyone would wish that for themselves or for anyone they love. I think it’s important that in a safe way we’re given an option to say ‘thank you very much but I don’t want to suffer any more’.
One way I’ve chosen to help Dignity in Dying is to leave them a legacy.
My husband David was a soldier. He was killed in Afghanistan in 2007.
Most of the money I have is through him dying and the insurance he had. When I die, I want the money to make a difference, because he made a difference during his life.
I decided the best way I could make a difference is through donations in my Will. I thought for a long time about what organisations were important, and eventually chose two causes that David supported and two that I support. My choices were Dignity in Dying and my local hospice who I have a close association with.
It was important to me that people knew about it, so I shared on social media that I’d prepared my Will, and included four charities and non-profits as residual beneficiaries. I ordered a Free Wills Pack through Dignity in Dying, and found the process of creating a Will incredibly easy.
It’s very reassuring to know that it’s prepared. None of us know what’s round the corner, but I’m confident because my executors, who happen to be my best friends, all have a copy and know my wishes. They know my passion for Dignity in Dying and the other three organisations. I have that peace of mind that if anything did go wrong, everything is settled.
At Dignity in Dying we believe that everybody has the right to a good death. This all starts with being in control of your choices.
We’re delighted to partner with Farewill to offer free legally binding Wills to all of our supporters. Just enter the code DIGNITYINDYING at checkout to claim your free will (RRP £50).