UCL and Cambridge Humanist Speaking Events.
The audiences at these events (at my event, a mixture of medical and social science students) seemed engaged with the issues and didn’t hold back asking challenging questions (why do Dignity in Dying only campaign for assisted dying and not assisted suicide? how many people go to Dignitas each year? etc.). I always hope that I get as much out of these events as the audience , and it gives me the opportunity to meet supporters, those who oppose and those who aren’t quite sure about legalising assisted dying.
If you have a speaking event and would like someone to talk about assisted dying (or Advance Decisions) please contact Anna Boehm on 020 7479 7107.
See also:
A Christian Case for Ethics – Rev Prof Paul Badham, 25th Nov 2011
Assisted Dying is Necessary …So Are Tolerance and Respect – Jo Cartwright, 25th October 2011