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Mavis Eccleston has been found not guilty of the murder or manslaughter of her terminally ill husband

In a statement read outside court today, Joy Munns, 54, one of Dennis’ and Mavis’ three children, said:

“…Our family is grateful and relieved that the jury in this case could also recognise our mom’s love for our dad. But since dad’s death our family has been through a terrible ordeal, waiting over 18 months for this court case, worrying that having already lost our dad to cancer, we might now see our mom imprisoned.

“We do not believe this needed to happen. If there had been an assisted dying law here in the UK our dad would have been able to have the choice to end his suffering, with medical support, and with his loved ones around him. He wouldn’t have had to ask our mom to do something that is considered breaking the law.

“…We believe there must be a change in the law so that dying people aren’t forced to suffer, make plans in secret or ask loved ones to risk prosecution by helping them, and so that no other family has to experience the pain our family has had to endure.”

Joy and her family’s have given a full statement.

Sarah Wootton, Chief Executive of Dignity in Dying, said:

“We are pleased with the jury’s verdict today, but Dennis should not have been forced to take such drastic actions and Mavis should never have been put in this agonising position.

“Dennis was suffering from terminal bowel cancer and struggling with unbearable pain and other deeply distressing symptoms. He simply wanted to die on his own terms rather than endure a protracted, painful death, but because of the UK’s outdated laws on assisted dying, Dennis felt his only option was to end his own life behind closed doors. Mavis, his devoted wife, felt she had to respect his wishes, but then faced the prospect of life imprisonment simply for acting out of love.

“Compassion should not be a crime, but under the UK’s broken laws, it is. What we need is a robustly safeguarded law that provides choice and control to dying people who want it, takes agonising decisions out of the hands of their loved ones and protects the rest of society. Not only is this a law that 84% of the British public want to see, it’s a choice that terminally ill people in ten jurisdictions across the US, Victoria in Australia and across Canada are already allowed to make. We urge Parliamentarians to act: to continue to brush this issue to one side is to prolong the suffering of dying people and their families.”


Notes to editor:

Please note that the Eccleston family will not be making any further comments at this time.

For further information, photos or interviews with Dignity in Dying, please contact Ellie Ball at / 0207 479 7732 / 07725 433 025.

Dignity in Dying

The true cost of the UK’s ban on assisted dying

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