Rob Smyth
In October 2022 – aged just 39 – Rob was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer.
After his diagnosis he decided to live his life to the fullest, he quit his job and refused to let his illness define him. He spent his final months enjoying Australia and making memories with his family.

6 months after his diagnosis his health began to deteriorate rapidly. Fortunately, he lived in Queensland, Australia, where assisted dying is legal. He set in motion plans to end his life on his own terms, whilst he still could, with the dignity and respect he deserved.
And so – on the 21st August – after lunch of ribs and chips, a few laughs and a cup of champagne with his wife, parents and sister, Rob ended his life peacefully and painlessly without fear, surrounded by love.
Had he lived in the UK, this disgusting illness could have robbed him of who he was. His young sons would have had their memories of their ‘big strong and funny Daddy’ clouded. Alternatively he could have gone abroad – alone and at great expense – to have the death he wanted.
No one should have to make that choice.